Hello let me introduce you a very high quality HARDWARE & very Power Full SOFTWARE of CHINESE BOX

Please Welcome Volcano Box… Ahead of All Powered by FuriouS TeaM

Our Main Distributor is GPGIndustries. All our Sale will be from them

Why You Need Volcano Box? When there is lot of Chinese Box already in market?

1st of all there is nothing personal with any other Box authors. At the moment mostly Box doing copy & past from other boxes. Some boxes just clone of other boxes. I don’t want to put names. I know you all have knowledge about it. We are Unique. We have OWN TEAM OF CODERS. WE have Very Good Support. We have Very Power Full Hardware which no other has yet. We have lot of 1st in the world updates. Let me give you reason why you MUST have Volcano Box

Only We Support WIDE rang Flash ids for Spreadtrum CPU

SPD6610/20 4MB, 8MB, 16MB no other do fully support only we do.

SPD 6600L series

SPD 6610 SPI

Read Flash, Write Flash, Format, Phone reset, Unlock User code etc.

Only We Support for new Mstar CPU

MSM8532 is really hot and no there fully support it only we do.

MSM8352 read Flash. Write Flash, Read info, Unlock User code etc.

Mstar Imei Repair no box Fully Support it only we do.

Almost All Mstar MCU Supported

Mediatek ARM 6250/52 Mostly box give error or have bugs but We Fully Support Them

MTK USB Fully Support

MTK USB Pinfinder

Charge Pin Finder

No other box Fully support to find BOOT PINS for MTK and MSTAR CPU
Let me explain you how ?

Some box supported to find USB PINS but after find usb pin you still have to find BOOT key from mobile keyboard. But only VOLCANO Box can Find USB BOOT PIN. You just have to find boot pin and it’s ready to run no need to find Boot key from Mobile keyboard.

Mostly MTK Cpu Supported

MTK Touch Screen Repair Very Easy with just one button

MTK IMEI repair for upto 6 IMEI

Wide Rang of Infineon Cpu

Sim Block Problem repair in Infineon CPU only we have

Fix signals only we have (under beta)

Mobile General Parameter backup and write only we have

We have very Power Full PINFINDER no other have it till now

There is also many things which only we can do till now. I can’t write all at once

Is these Things not enough for you to get your Volcano Box?

I know there is lot of Mobiles still pending on workshop like SPD6610/20 Mstar MSM8532 etc so what and why you are waiting for?

We had posted some DEMO videos for you guys to check how Really Volcano Box is Power Full in Volcano Box section.

Really Thanks for all of Guys to take some time to read. I hope you will really love it and will try to get your Volcano Box as fast as you can so you can HOLD on your Competitors

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GSMSP | Volcano Box The revolution in Chinese box

Link to Download 1st Update for Volcano Box
VolcanoTool_v1.0.6.exe - Downloads - GPGIndustries - Forum

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Officially Launched = Volcano Box Powered By FuriouS TeaM = VolcanBox V1.0.6