PolarFIS+ Advanced : New Update v0.3.3 [28-01-2013 PolarFIS_Adv_2

Official Update link : Autopolar Official Web site
Official Forum : Auto-Polar forum

We are proud of present our new firmware update for VAG vehicles with RED, WHITE and COLOR dot.
Please, any report or issue not doubt to inform us in our official forum.

Polar FIS+ - Firmware Update v0.3.3 (For RED, WHITE and COLOR clusters)

[+] Added +4 firmware files to official support (ActiveX)


Very important :
Firmware files has been splitted due limitation in space of PolarFIS unit (memory)
Now you must choose correct firmware for your unit (Red or White) and correct language pack
From now, all updates will come with 2 language packs (east and western
europe languages), so choose correct one for your country :-)

***** Improvements / Update description for RED cluster *****

[+] Improved communication with FIS screen.
[+] Improved communication with BT Handsfree
[+] Improved Slovak and Czech translations
[+] Solved issue with some parameters with values above 1000 that wasn't displayed correctly
[+] Solved issue with reading of Torque and Power parameters which displayed wrong values
[+] Solved issues that makes that the connection between BT Handsfree and Telephone breaks sometimes
[+] Added option with Golf VI steering wheel to exit from Polar FIS screen using BACK button

Improvements / Update description for WHITE and COLOR cluster

[+] Improved communication with FIS screen.
[+] Improved communication with BT Handsfree
[+] Improved Slovak and Czech translations
[+] Solved issue with some parameters with values above 1000 that wasn't displayed correctly
[+] Solved issue with reading of Torque and Power parameters which displayed wrong values
[+] Solved issues that makes that the connection between BT Handsfree and Telephone breaks sometimes
[+] Added option with steering wheel to exit from Polar FIS screen using BACK button
[+] Added configurations to enable/disable information of screen number when change screen

For install this update, please use ActiveX from our official web Autopolar Official Web site (Update Zone)
Any enquire, sugerence or question, please not doubt in contact with our staff at Auto-Polar forum

Thanks in advance for all your attention,
with best regards,
