تحميل ماسنجر سامسونج أندرويد ChatON Messenger
تحميل ماسنجر سامسونج أندرويد ChatON Messenger Samsung-chaton-messenger-300x247
The ChatON burning messenger, address of Samsung, has landed in the Android Market today and is accessible to anyone captivation on to a accessory
alive Android 2.2 or higher. Yes, that is correct. Even admitting the
Korean architect is abaft the service, application it is accessible on
any accordant Android smartphone behindhand of its make.

ChatON is Samsung’s draft adjoin BBM and iMessage,
and clashing the two of them it is not proprietary, which is why it
isn’t accessible alone to Samsung devices. What’s added is that iOS and
BlackBerry OS versions of ChatON are about to be appear anon as well.

Besides one-on-one conversations, the account
supports accumulation chats, broadcasts, activated messages, as
able-bodied as sending pictures, videos, audio, area data, agenda
entries and acquaintance advice to your buddies. There are additionally a
few added allowances like the alleged Interaction Rank, which shows how
alive a user is at ChatON, as able-bodied as the adeptness to
animadversion on user profiles.

Feel chargeless to analysis out ChatON in activity
below, and if it blaze your interest, hit the antecedent articulation to
get it from the Android Market. Once you try it out, the animadversion
area is all yours, so do not alternate to allotment your impressions with us.



أهــــــلا ً وسهـــــلا ً بك يا  تحميل ماسنجر سامسونج أندرويد ChatON Messenger Eniie110زائرتحميل ماسنجر سامسونج أندرويد ChatON Messenger Eniie110 حياك الله في منتداك وعلى الرحب والسعة نأمل تواصلك الدائم معنا
وان شاء الله تلاقي منا وبينا كل اللي يسعدك ويحوز على رضاك

تحميل ماسنجر سامسونج أندرويد ChatON Messenger 12871110