Today i am very happy to Announce Grand Update
Grand Kick to Others who think they are giving shock to other
[size=16]Th[size=16]is update have lot of things..[size=16].. really Lot of things and sure who don't have Volcanobox Yet they will buy As soon As possible !
[size=16]let me start !!
[/size][/size][/size][/size] Volcano Box New Module for MTK SP Unlock & Imei repair !!
are happy to announce a Brand new module for MTK mobiles. At the moment
it have lot of Exciting Features like Sp unlock of almost All MTK
phones which have Unlocking data in its NVM even you can unlock phones
which is not in list and it have Sp lock data in its NVM. Also you can
repair imei of most MTK phones with AT mode. This is rewrite Whole new
Module just for Unlocking & Repair imei !!
Let me introduce you whole new Module:
Go to MTK TAB then find MTK New Platform V1.01 and open it.
It will look like this
This module have to ability to work in Two type of MTK phones.
- 1st General Type phones.
- 2nd RSA Protection type phones.
is Supported List models.. Keep in mind we can unlock almost all MTK
phones which have Service Provider locked data in their NVM whatever
phone is in list or NOT. You can do it !!
This list is from MTK GENERIC Type phones !!
- ------------Accord------------
- A19
- ------------Afone------------
- H880
- ------------Agtel------------
- 005
- ------------Aino------------
- F69F89
- ------------Aio------------
- N97
- ------------AirFone------------
- AF111
- ------------Airphone------------
- No1No4
- ------------Airtel------------
- L900
- ------------Ajanta------------
- A3000
- A4200
- A5000
- A52
- ------------Alfatel------------
- C200
- c500
- C500
- H1
- H1A
- H2
- H3
- H300
- H4
- H5
- H5A
- H9
- ------------Allview------------
- S1S2
- ------------Anoking------------
- M9
- ------------Anycall------------
- Cect-168
- D900
- F488E
- i660
- i908+
- L708
- S628
- ------------Anycoll------------
- A508
- i908e
- L588
- QS850
- ------------Anycool-----------
- D66
- D66+
- D66++
- E307
- E553
- E553
- E556
- E802
- E880
- E880
- CE880
- LE883
- E888
- F818
- T808
- T818
- ------------Anylink------------
- 6500
- N99i
- ------------Anyoall------------
- sgh-908i
- ------------Aobang------------
- A880
- ------------Aote------------
- M660
- ------------Appo------------
- A300
- ------------Aroma------------
- D333
- ------------Asus------------
- V75
- ------------Atan------------
- M760
- ------------AT-Telecom------------
- Hi-Messenger
- ------------Aura------------
- s902
- S908
- ------------Auro------------
- 6321
- ------------Austar------------
- F455+
- ------------Avio------------
- A101
- A102
- A201
- A203
- A204
- A205
- A301
- A403
- A6103
- ------------Avvio------------
- Avvio SN50
- ------------Awang------------
- A828
- ------------Awang------------
- A828
- ------------A-zed------------
- z62
- ------------Baizhao------------
- S8958
- S8978
- TV488
- ------------Baoxing------------
- K700
- K900
- N1000
- ------------Barbie------------
- P520
- ------------Basicom------------
- V9
- ------------BBC------------
- i508
- ------------BBK------------
- i2288
- K202
- K300
- S201
- S202
- ------------Beetel------------
- EC003
- ev530
- ------------BenQ------------
- A53
- C30
- C36
- ------------Bess------------
- SP500
- VZ210
- VZ219
- ------------Bestel------------
- D5000+
- D600
- D6000
- D7000+
- E71TV
- ------------Bestking------------
- A2688
- ------------Bestone------------
- KA08+
- ------------Betels------------
- 6000+
- ------------Beyond------------
- B333
- B38
- B505
- B530
- B818
- B83
- BY125
- C3
- ------------Bilwani------------
- B2
- B3
- B9
- ------------BlackCherry------------
- i2288
- i508
- P520
- V9
- ------------Blacklable------------
- VVV363
- ------------Bleu------------
- 255x
- 354x
- 355x
- 453x
- 454x
- 456x
- 466x
- 471x
- 476x
- 551x
- 555x
- 670x
- ------------Bliss------------
- D108
- D208
- V98
- ------------Blu------------
- Click T300
- Q200
- Q200e
- ------------BMobile------------
- C628
- K298
- TV9
- X131
- ------------BMW------------
- 760i
- X6
- ------------Bonmi------------
- 222
- f430+
- ------------Boostwer------------
- E66
- ------------Bossh------------
- B70
- D96
- MD112
- ------------Bost-Mobile------------
- D615
- ------------Bugatti------------
- 164
- ------------Buss------------
- G618
- ------------Byond------------
- By-400
- BY-888
- BY-999
- ------------Bytone------------
- T3
- ------------Capitel------------
- P600
- ------------Carbon------------
- Art
- ------------Cartier------------
- V8
- ------------Cavio------------
- ZT-618
- ZTF1
- ------------CayenneS------------
- Z9
- ------------CCK------------
- E7
- ------------Cect------------
- 003
- 1088
- 199
- 5800D
- 599
- 605
- 6300L
- 808
- 888
- A008
- A100
- A1818
- A519
- A6668
- A706
- C2000
- DC3000
- C3600s
- C5188
- C600
- C800
- C828
- C8600
- C92+
- E900
- F1200
- F22i
- F22
- 658I
- 658
- IP200
- K2
- K369
- k770
- K808
- K808+
- K828
- K838L
- V918
- M619
- M8
- M8600
- N6298
- N6298
- N73
- N788
- N81+
- N82
- P168
- P3711
- P3711i
- P8400
- Q380
- Q500
- Q500BT
- Q558
- Q618
- Q618
- Q638
- Q8
- Q86
- S588
- S613
- S800
- S90
- S901
- T1
- T118
- T520
- T520
- T590
- T601
- T689
- T808
- T918
- T999
- U880
- U8810
- U90
- V180
- V200
- V329
- V400
- V6688
- V668B
- V70
- V768
- V777
- V90
- V909
- V909
- V909
- V98
- V98
- Y200
- Y809
- ------------CellOne------------
- CX900
- ------------Century------------
- Piooner-B889+
- ------------Cert------------
- V400
- ------------Cesim------------
- V130
- V30
- ------------Cesim------------
- V130
- V30
- ------------Changhong------------
- A330
- K218
- L138
- M838
- ------------Changjiang------------
- A968
- N8+
- ------------Changxing------------
- A868
- ------------Cherry------------
- YC8
- ------------CherryMobile------------
- Q4Duo
- ------------Cherry-Mobile------------
- D15
- D20
- Q61
- ------------ChinaStar------------
- C507
- ------------CKing------------
- K339
- ------------Club------------
- C900
- ------------cNokia------------
- E71TV
- TVE71
- ------------Coby------------
- MP777
- ------------Cool------------
- ATL-V8
- ------------Coral------------
- 255
- 280
- 450
- 550
- 620
- 640
- 655
- 680
- C460P
- ------------Corby------------
- L6W
- 6233
- ------------Cosun------------
- 289
- 638
- 8988
- 9958
- ------------Crew------------
- 202
- ------------C-Right------------
- C10
- L2000
- ------------Cross------------
- CB97
- ------------Crtel------------
- C200
- C800i
- C9900
- D28
- D90
- DS110
- i200
- m31
- T928
- ------------CSL------------
- C9900
- DS110
- i200
- ------------cvfd------------
- m31
- ------------CXTel------------
- D90
- ------------Cyfon------------
- C800i
- ------------Cynix------------
- D28
- ------------Dapeng------------
- T2000
- T3000
- T5000
- T928
- ------------Daxian------------
- 529
- 619
- 669
- 780
- 8100
- C800
- C8100
- E689
- J168
- J6
- JT398
- K888
- KT1
- N55
- N800
- P168
- T108
- X3000
- X3000
- X728
- X9188
- X960
- X960
- X999
- ------------DBest------------
- Royal-VT888
- ------------Deco------------
- F1
- ------------Delta------------
- X200
- ------------Desay------------
- K618
- L608
- M535
- ------------Dezzo------------
- D800
- ------------Diamond------------
- A1000
- B711
- ------------Diga-Mobile------------
- D122
- G123
- G126
- -----------Digiphone------------
- 9800TV
- ------------Dirland------------
- M881
- R100
- ------------Disney------------
- 520+
- ------------DMND------------
- W720i
- ------------D-One------------
- DG518
- DG568
- DG817
- G628
- ------------Donod------------
- D505
- D5130
- D5130
- D805
- D805
- D806
- N95i
- ------------Doov------------
- YH923
- ------------Dopod------------
- A6188
- E61+
- M500TV
- S560
- ------------Dopodo------------
- E61+
- ------------Dorado------------
- A006
- C5000
- D380
- D890
- T33i
- TV15
- ------------Doro------------
- 338GSM
- HandleEasy-328gsm
- HandleEasy-345gsm
- HandleEasy-409s
- HandleEasy-410s
- ------------Dotcom------------
- MB-2300TV
- ------------DRV_Mobiles------------
- R52
- ------------Dubao------------
- 758
- 768
- 777
- 738
- ------------DV-Phone------------
- V93i
- ------------Eagle------------
- E52
- ------------Egitel------------
- V6
- ------------Egltel------------
- V7
- ------------Eiroga------------
- E666
- ------------Ektel------------
- C1-TV
- ------------Elenberg------------
- MT520
- ------------Elgin------------
- EL-MP730
- ------------Elitek------------
- FN8618
- ------------Elitex------------
- 8888
- ------------Enimac------------
- MQ8200
- ------------Enmac------------
- MQ3300
- ------------Epoda------------
- EP2502
- ------------Etisalat------------
- 211FM
- -----------E-Top------------
- S30
- ------------ETouch------------
- 232Pro
- 303Pro
- 515Pro
- 616Pro
- 636Pro
- CG1
- D108
- D11
- D12
- D120
- D160
- D18
- D200
- D21
- D220
- D23
- D30
- D300
- D33
- D35
- D38
- D6
- D60
- DS100
- F50
- J100
- J165
- J168
- MD82
- X88i
- XL10
- XL25
- XL53
- ------------Everfo------------
- 2456
- 2461
- 2601
- 2602
- 3008
- E2211+
- E7110
- E711DTV
- E713D
- E730
- ------------Evertek------------
- E300
- X90
- ------------Evolve------------
- GX607
- ------------Eyo------------
- E71
- E71s
- ------------Fashion------------
- A5688
- F023
- F025
- T508
- T588
- ------------Ferrari------------
- 267v
- Ascent
- F1
- F100
- F108
- F9
- RHV3
- ------------FixedPhone------------
- FC8050
- ------------FixMobile------------
- A969
- ------------Flying------------
- F007
- F035
- F69
- F800
- F900
- F916
- F936
- F996
- ------------Flynet------------
- F001
- ------------Fly-Ying------------
- E71
- E71i
- F003
- F006
- F007
- F008
- F021
- F026
- F030
- F036
- F080
- F200
- F636
- F698
- F99
- ------------FMobile------------
- B290
- ------------Fome------------
- N7
- ------------Forby------------
- G899
- ------------Forme------------
- 6303
- D386
- D5
- E71
- F8
- F8+
- F808
- F9
- L300
- M6
- M800
- N26
- N78
- N82
- U969
- ------------Fory------------
- F288
- ------------Foston------------
- 968B
- FS-829
- FS-836B
- FS-862
- FS-868B
- FS-868B
- FS-889
- FS-968
- FS-968A
- FS-968B
- ------------Frost------------
- 701
- F27
- M23
- ------------Fujistar------------
- FJ-71
- ------------Funker------------
- F803DS
- ------------Funny Mobile------------
- A8
- V20
- ------------G+G------------
- i908
- ------------Galaxy------------
- T81
- ------------Gaoxinqi------------
- GXQ-F896
- GXQ-H69
- N82
- TL528
- ------------GeneralMobile------------
- DST01
- DST11
- DST12
- DST13
- G333
- ------------Genx------------
- T-Z8
- ------------Getek------------
- TK806
- ------------GFive------------
- 6620
- 7610
- D902
- E71
- L700
- M73
- N79
- N79i
- T33+
- T580
- U800
- U808
- X9
- ------------G-Five------------
- 3120
- 3510
- 6620
- 736
- 7610
- 7630
- 800
- C2160
- C6233
- D11
- D60
- D68
- D70
- D90
- D90
- D902
- D99
- E71y
- e82i
- F2
- F3
- F7
- F8
- G3000
- G3000
- G365
- G370
- GF18
- GF73
- GF73
- GF73
- H600
- H91
- i300
- i310
- L300
- L700
- M1
- M33
- M33
- M5130
- M6
- M7
- M73
- M77
- M99
- M99
- N79
- N79i
- N90
- Q33S9
- T320i
- T33
- T33+
- T580
- T580
- T580
- U303
- U505
- U505
- U717
- U800
- U808
- U828
- U855
- U879
- U899
- U909
- U939
- U969
- X9
- ------------G-Fone------------
- 301
- 311
- 411
- 422
- ------------Gibox------------
- MK396
- ------------Gild------------
- 6700
- FXD3600
- H1
- N9
- S648
- S76
- S93
- X5
- ------------Gionee------------
- A10-TV
- E99
- I9
- L7
- MediaMobile
- V890
- ------------Gjiang------------
- W007
- ------------Glid------------
- 6700
- ------------Globul------------
- TA2322n
- ------------GLX------------
- 2690
- ------------GMobile------------
- T68
- ------------G-Mobile------------
- N82
- ------------Gnet------------
- G8600
- ------------Goldmobil------------
- J88
- ------------G-phone------------
- 5700
- ------------GPS-Mobile------------
- K3288
- ------------Gradiente------------
- GF500
- GF950
- ------------GreenPower------------
- H48
- ------------G-Right------------
- 6700
- 6700i
- 6800
- C200
- E52
- G2
- L200
- L300
- L400
- L600
- U808
- U999
- V400
- X400
- ------------G-Shine------------
- L800
- ------------GSmax------------
- GS868
- ------------G-Star------------
- 388
- 899
- Q82
- Q83
- Q89
- ------------G-Tide------------
- W510
- ------------GT-Mobile------------
- V490
- ------------*****------------
- G600
- G600
- G629
- G668
- G888
- ------------G-Von------------
- 620
- ---------------Hagenuk------------
- 505
- M628
- ------------Haier------------
- G111
- HG-A8
- HG-V70
- M300
- M306
- M307
- M500
- S210
- Z701
- SZ702
- ------------Hang-Jiang------------
- A968
- N97
- ------------Hantel------------
- A800
- bl699
- D801
- H5
- ht6088
- HT6600
- m2210
- M2210
- M678
- T6800
- TV-488
- Y500
- ------------Heady------------
- H787
- ------------Hic------------
- S900
- ------------Hidden-Dragon------------
- N68
- ------------Hightech------------
- HT100
- ------------Hightel------------
- H869
- ------------Higtel------------
- H869
- ------------HiPhone------------
- T900
- TV003
- V188
- ------------Hisong------------
- M920
- ------------Hitech------------
- H38
- H382
- H39
- H55
- H61
- H61
- M21
- ------------Hitune------------
- A4
- ------------Hitz------------
- 2211
- ------------HKM------------
- N6370
- ------------Holyday------------
- D600
- ------------HTC------------
- 6262
- A288
- G1-TV90
- Hero-G3
- S900
- ------------HT-Mobile------------
- A30
- G10
- G11
- G20
- G30
- ------------HTTEL------------
- A800
- ------------Hualu------------
- 6206
- S600
- YX9
- YX9225
- ------------Huante------------
- S18
- T600
- TV-E71
- ------------HUAWEI------------
- HUAWEI G3610
- HUAWEI G6600
- HUAWEI G6603
- HUAWEI G6605
- HUAWEI G7002
- ------------Huaxiang------------
- N800
- ------------Huayu------------
- A3
- CM336
- G688
- K878
- K888
- L888
- M678
- M818
- ------------HX-Mobile------------
- H1120
- -----------Hyundai------------
- HTV1000
- MB-115
- MB-121
- MB-D125
- MP880
- W100
- ------------Ianus------------
- 999
- ------------Icell------------
- i5130
- -----------I-CELL------------
- T33+
- ----------Idealphone------------
- i869
- ------------Ifoe------------
- P168
- P168+
- P168C
- ------------IMax------------
- C82
- ------------Imo------------
- 168
- i178
- L818
- T738
- ------------Imobile------------
- 2211
- 222
- 318
- 320
- 360
- 510
- 511
- 516
- 520
- 523
- 530
- 610
- 630
- CE0889
- IE3210
- ------------iMODO------------
- Y58
- ------------Innovo------------
- i8510
- ------------Intex------------
- IN1212
- IN1224
- IN2010
- IN2020E
- IN2020QT
- IN2022
- IN2030
- IN2030D
- IN2030DX
- IN2040E
- IN2040N
- IN2044
- IN2080
- IN2080E
- IN2222
- IN2233
- IN2244
- IN2266
- IN3030
- IN3055
- IN3060
- IN3070
- IN3080
- IN3333
- IN4040
- IN4060
- IN4415
- IN4420
- IN4420S
- IN4455
- IN4460
- IN4466
- IN4477
- IN4488
- IN4495
- IN5030
- IN5040
- IN5050
- IN5544
- IN5555
- IN6611
- IN6633
- iSmart
- ------------Iosound------------
- i960
- is102
- ------------Io-Sound------------
- 301
- i81
- i90
- ------------ITel------------
- IT600
- IT700
- ------------Jalor------------
- A8
- ------------JBJ------------
- N99
- ------------Jeep------------
- W900
- ------------JFone------------
- j87
- ------------Jgtel------------
- 003i
- ------------JiaXing------------
- N95
- ------------Jincen------------
- 528
- 666
- JC35
- JC6700
- JC9700
- ------------Jing-Ling------------
- E81TV
- -----------Jin-Ke------------
- E100
- ------------JinPeng------------
- 007FM
- 488
- 5108
- 5199
- 5199
- 5588
- 768
- 8283
- A1280
- A2198
- A5120
- A5616
- A5658
- A5688
- A666
- a799
- A928
- C3000
- E55
- E6180
- E88
- F8
- H788
- i908
- JP1688
- K330
- K730
- K989
- L808
- M8
- M868
- M99
- S109
- S1318
- S1888
- S2128
- S868
- V70
- V70FM
- W169
- W880
- ------------Jinteyu------------
- V678
- ------------J-Kai------------
- TV96K
- ------------J-Max------------
- J95
- ------------J-Max------------
- J95
- ------------Jugate------------
- ZJ880
- ZJR655
- ZJS638
- ------------Just5------------
- CP10
- ------------Karamfone------------
- S4
- X5
- ------------Karbonn------------
- K10
- K118
- K217
- K25
- K300
- K331
- K334
- K343
- K350
- K406
- K443
- K444
- K444i
- K445
- K446
- K450
- K451
- K460
- K478
- K496
- K541
- K550
- K560
- K570
- K661
- KC411
- ------------Kenuo------------
- D9
- KN-76D
- N750
- ------------Kenxindad------------
- 300
- ------------Kiech------------
- N8899
- ------------Kifung------------
- S108
- ------------Kimcell------------
- N88
- ------------Kingdom------------
- K2
- ------------KingK------------
- 800
- ------------King-One------------
- K608
- ------------Kingpo------------
- E320
- ------------Kingsun------------
- V902
- ------------Kinloong------------
- K288+
- ------------Kisen------------
- P83
- ------------Konka------------
- A76
- A76FM
- C623
- D225
- D620
- D770
- E303
- G208
- ------------Kotka-----------
- E90
- ------------KPN------------
- One
- ------------KTech------------
- 8388
- ------------K-Touch-----------
- A5118
- A615
- A635
- A905
- A933
- B830
- b920
- B922
- D170
- D700
- D780
- H777
- H999
- S515
- V760
- V908
- V918
- ------------KuXing------------
- K1000
- ------------Kyocera------------
- C2500
- E2500
- E3500
- S1600
- ------------Kyoto------------
- T737E
- ------------KZG------------
- N200
- ------------Laise------------
- N99
- ------------Lanboxiny------------
- F8
- ------------Lanix------------
- LX11
- X10
- ------------Lanye------------
- N70
- ------------Lava------------
- A10
- A9
- ARC02
- KKT22
- KKT24
- KKT25
- KKT30
- KKT34
- M23
- ------------Lawow------------
- A200
- S10
- S20
- S50
- ------------Lcphone------------
- LC888
- ------------Leady------------
- MM10
- MM95
- X105
- X501
- ------------Leiniao------------
- N800
- ------------Lemon------------
- 212
- 216
- E590
- IQ303
- ------------Lenovo------------
- 688
- A330
- A350
- A539
- E520
- i510
- i60
- i706
- P50
- P612
- P618
- P650
- S533
- S62
- Shark32
- ------------Lephone------------
- A12
- ------------Lian-Sheng------------
- L995
- ------------Life------------
- DST01
- ------------Lipiec------------
- T800
- ------------Longtel------------
- E3
- S800
- S88
- ------------LongXing------------
- M3
- ------------Lontin------------
- 8820
- E69
- ------------Louis-Yuitton------------
- T658
- ------------Louis-Yuitton------------
- T658
- ------------LX-Mobile------------
- TV
- ------------Magicon------------
- MG3250
- MG901
- ------------Magicon-Harmony------------
- MG901
- -----------Malata------------
- MT118
- MT256
- MZ280
- T256
- ------------Matrix------------
- M1
- M2
- M20
- M3
- N82m
- ------------Maximus------------
- EX75
- T44
- ------------Maxtel------------
- K48
- ------------Maxtron------------
- MG175
- MG182
- MG278
- ------------Maxx------------
- GC1000
- MQ340
- MQ430
- MX118
- MX122
- MX124
- MX235
- MX292
- MX304
- MX316
- MX322
- MX333
- MX335
- MX404
- MX425
- MX435
- MX463
- MX470
- MX480
- MX488
- MX533
- MX534
- MX713
- MX745
- ------------M****a------------
- A18
- ------------Megafon------------
- CP10T
- DM15
- ------------Megatec-----------
- Luxe
- -----------Megatek------------
- M100
- ------------Meidea------------
- E65
- E66
- Y100
- Y1000
- Y300
- Y400
- Y500
- ------------Melbon------------
- M2
- MB-606m
- ----------Message-phone------------
- QS150
- ------------Metfone------------
- Closer
- ------------Metfone------------
- Closer
- ------------Metom------------
- M20
- M20IV
- M20TV
- M28
- M29
- M39
- MT309
- N11
- N81
- N82
- T300
- ------------Mex------------
- MX14
- BSN95
- N95
- ------------MFU------------
- 6700
- M6
- ------------Mi------------
- 200
- ------------Micro------------
- M11
- ------------Micromax-----------
- GC255
- M2
- Q1
- Q1+
- Q2
- Q3
- Q5
- Q50
- Q55
- Q6
- Q7
- Q75
- Q80
- X112
- X113
- X114
- X115
- X116
- X117
- X118
- X122
- X1iX1i+
- X1u
- X200
- X211
- X212
- X215
- X220
- X225
- X226
- X228
- X230
- X235
- X250
- X260
- X262
- X263
- X265
- X266
- X280
- X285
- X2iX2i+
- X310
- X330
- X332
- X360
- X361
- X370
- X395
- X414
- X450
- X485
- X50
- X505
- X510
- X555
- X560
- X600
- ------------Micxon------------
- MTV800
- ------------Mideia------------
- Y100
- ------------Midi------------
- MD462
- ------------Mikki------------
- C90
- ------------MingXing------------
- A008
- ------------Mini------------
- 6600
- 8000C
- i9
- iphone
- N95 8gb
- N98+
- TTK-98
- Vertu
- ------------Mito------------
- 1868
- 288GG
- 302
- ------------Mixcon------------
- S908
- ------------Mobiado------------
- 105
- ------------MOTOROLA-----------
- WX160
- WX161
- WX180
- WX181
- WX260
- WX260C
- WX265
- WX280
- WX288
- WX290
- WX295
- WX390
- WX395
- ------------MTS------------
- MTS 535
- ------------ZTE------------
- Orange Lima
- Orange Lisbon
- T-Mobile E200 Vibe
- ZTE-G N281
- ZTE-G R221
- ZTE-G S260
- ZTE-G X670
- ZTE-G X760
- ZTE-G X761
- ZTE-G X930
This list is from MTK RSA Type phones !!
- ------------ALCATEL------------
- F152
- 505K
- B331
- C818
- E101FLIP
- F115
- F121
- F122
- F123
- F331
- OT103
- OT104
- OT105
- OT106
- OT107
- OT108
- OT109
- OT112
- OT113
- OT140
- OT150
- OT203
- OT203A
- OT203E
- OT204
- OT205
- OT206
- OT208
- OT209
- OT213
- OT214
- OT214W
- OT216
- OT222
- OT223
- OT228
- OT250
- OT252
- OT262
- OT280
- OT282
- OT292
- OT300
- OT301
- OT303
- OT304
- OT305
- OT306
- OT308
- OT310
- OT311
- OT312
- OT315
- OT315M
- OT352
- OT355
- OT355D
- OT356
- OT360
- OT361
- OT362
- OT363
- OT380
- OT383
- OT385
- OT385J
- OT390
- OT455
- OT505
- OT505K
- OT506
- OT506D
- OT507
- OT508
- OT510
- OT530
- OT540
- OT543
- OT555
- OT565
- OT565K
- OT585
- OT600
- OT602
- OT606
- OT608
- OT650
- OT660
- OT665
- OT706
- OT708
- OT710
- OT799
- OT799
- OT800
- OT802
- OT802Y
- OT803
- OT803D
- OT806
- OT806D
- OT807
- OT808
- OT808G
- OT809
- OT810
- OT810D
- OT813
- OT813D
- OT813F
- OT818
- OT819
- OT828
- OT838
- OT870
- OT880
- OT888
- OT90
- OT900
- OT900
- OT901
- OT902
- OT905
- OT907
- OTA919
- OTC819D
- OTT66
- Q5
- S by SFR 3440
- S122
- SFR115
- SFR1150
- SFR121
- SFR122
- SFR123
- T268
- TCL-I802
- TCL-I806
- TCL-I806D
- TCL-I880
- TCL-I898
- TCL-I900
- TCLI905
- TCL-Q3
- TCL-T208
- TCL-T218
- TCL-T255
- TCL-T355
- Text Ed 152 by SFR
- T-Mobile Accord
- Virgin VM202
- Virgin VM665
- VM621I
- VM800
- ------------MOTOROLA------------
- WX160
- WX161
- WX180
- WX181
- WX260
- WX260C
- WX265
- WX280
- WX288
- WX290
- WX295
- WX390
- WX395
- ------------VODAFONE------------
Total Around 1800 Models Added !!
are list which is Supported models for unlock and repair imei but you
can still unlock and repair imei of that models which are not listed
How can I Unlock Phone which are locked on any service provider? ( Country Code )
1- Select
boot type of phone ( Generic for Normal MTK Phone which are Cloned
Chinese phones and in some countries they have some local companies like
in india they have a company named Micromax and in Pakistan they have
company named Qmobile. These type of local companies are basically
import phones from china. Even they are branded but infact those phones
are purely China made phones & Clones – RSA for Those MTK phones
which have very Tight Security and mostly phones are International
brands like Motorola & Alcatel Etc… )
2- Select proper model
3- Connect
cable ( Keep in mind You have to connect exact cable for some phones
Pinfinder will not help. They can detect Rx TX but they will not boot
your phone so do Google and find it Or check in forum which cable is
for which mobile for example if you have ZTE-281 you can find Rx Tx from
Volcanobox pinfinder but simple Rx Tx will not help in booting. For
this phone you have to use UART cable which have Ignition like LG Gs-102
cable just plug it and it will work fine. Some phones need to be
disassemble and you have to sold rx tx in Test points and some phones
no need any special method they will be done with simple Volcanobox
Pinfinder. Or just use your desire UART cable and use it on any other
Unibox and select Unibox port in volcano box )
3.1 If you want to use Volcanobox as pinfinder then do this
3.2 Connect Correct JIG to phone and connect it
3.3 Go to Volcanobox Detect Tab
3.4 Select Mtk from list
3.5 Press and hold power button
3.6 Click on detect button
3.7 It will found rx tx ( pinout ) from phone
3.8 Now click on set pinouts
3.9 Now go to MTK tab and open New mtk module. Select port and you ready to do next operation
4- Click on Read info
5- It will read your all details include your Network code etc
This is example pic reading unlock codes from Alcatel OT606
How to it Reset User code from this new module?
1- Select
boot type of phone ( Generic for Normal MTK Phone which are Cloned
Chinese phones and in some countries they have some local companies like
in india they have a company named Micromax and in Pakistan they have
company named Qmobile. These type of local companies are basically
import phones from china. Even they are branded but infact those phones
are purely China made phones & Clones – RSA for Those MTK phones
which have very Tight Security and mostly phones are International
brands like Motorola & Alcatel Etc… )
2- Select proper model
3- Connect
cable ( Keep in mind You have to connect exact cable for some phones
Pinfinder will not help. They can detect Rx TX but they will not boot
your phone so do Google and find it Or check in forum which cable is
for which mobile for example if you have ZTE-281 you can find Rx Tx from
Volcanobox pinfinder but simple Rx Tx will not help in booting. For
this phone you have to use UART cable which have Ignition like LG Gs-102
cable just plug it and it will work fine. Some phones need to be
disassemble and you have to sold rx tx in Test points and some phones
no need any special method they will be done with simple Volcanobox
Pinfinder. Or just use your desire UART cable and use it on any other
Unibox and select Unibox port in volcano box )
3.1 If you want to use Volcanobox as pinfinder then do this
3.2 Connect Correct JIG to phone and connect it
3.3 Go to Volcanobox Detect Tab
3.4 Select Mtk from list
3.5 Press and hold power button
3.6 Click on detect button
3.7 It will found rx tx ( pinout ) from phone
3.8 Now click on set pinouts
3.9 Now go to MTK tab and open New mtk module. Select port and you ready to do next operation
4- Click on Reset User code it will reset your phone code to default value like 1122- 1234 etc
How do I unlock Non Supported mtk phones? ( BETA )
1- Select
boot type of phone ( Generic for Normal MTK Phone which are Cloned
Chinese phones and in some countries they have some local companies like
in india they have a company named Micromax and in Pakistan they have
company named Qmobile. These type of local companies are basically
import phones from china. Even they are branded but infact those phones
are purely China made phones & Clones – RSA for Those MTK phones
which have very Tight Security and mostly phones are International
brands like Motorola & Alcatel Etc… )
2- Select any mode
3- Connect
cable ( Keep in mind You have to connect exact cable for some phones
Pinfinder will not help. They can detect Rx TX but they will not boot
your phone so do Google and find it Or check in forum which cable is
for which mobile for example if you have ZTE-281 you can find Rx Tx from
Volcanobox pinfinder but simple Rx Tx will not help in booting. For
this phone you have to use UART cable which have Ignition like LG Gs-102
cable just plug it and it will work fine. Some phones need to be
disassemble and you have to sold rx tx in Test points and some phones
no need any special method they will be done with simple Volcanobox
Pinfinder. Or just use your desire UART cable and use it on any other
Unibox and select Unibox port in volcano box )
3.1 If you want to use Volcanobox as pinfinder then do this
3.2 Connect Correct JIG to phone and connect it
3.3 Go to Volcanobox Detect Tab
3.4 Select Mtk from list
3.5 Press and hold power button
3.6 Click on detect button
3.7 It will found rx tx ( pinout ) from phone
3.8 Now click on set pinouts
3.9 Now go to MTK tab and open New mtk module. Select port and you ready to do next operation
4- Click on Backup Calibration
5- It will read some files
6- Click on process simlock file
7- It will read your codes
What is Backup Calibration?
Backup calibration is for reading NVM area from almost all MTK
phones which you can handle to boot phones with Volcanobox. This is
usefull to unlock Non supported phones + you can save backups and write
on faulty phones which have no service or code not accept after damage
by other devices or some phone after format ffs have no service you can
write backup files on it. Keep in mind this is BETA and we are not
responsible of any damage cause of using this feature. Backup files have
your many other information like your imei etc
How do I write imei with this new MTK module ?
1- Select
boot type of phone ( Generic for Normal MTK Phone which are Cloned
Chinese phones and in some countries they have some local companies like
in india they have a company named Micromax and in Pakistan they have
company named Qmobile. These type of local companies are basically
import phones from china. Even they are branded but infact those phones
are purely China made phones & Clones – RSA for Those MTK phones
which have very Tight Security and mostly phones are International
brands like Motorola & Alcatel Etc… )
2- Select any mode ( at the moment Generic mobile supported )
3- Connect cable ( Keep in mind You have to connect exact
cable for some phones Pinfinder will not help. They can detect Rx TX but
they will not boot your phone so do Google and find it Or check in
forum which cable is for which mobile for example if you have ZTE-281
you can find Rx Tx from Volcanobox pinfinder but simple Rx Tx will not
help in booting. For this phone you have to use UART cable which have
Ignition like LG Gs-102 cable just plug it and it will work fine. Some
phones need to be disassemble and you have to sold rx tx in Test points
and some phones no need any special method they will be done with
simple Volcanobox Pinfinder. Or just use your desire UART cable and use
it on any other Unibox and select Unibox port in
volcano box )
3.1 If you want to use Volcanobox as pinfinder then do this
3.2 Connect Correct JIG to phone and connect it
3.3 Go to Volcanobox Detect Tab
3.4 Select Mtk from list
3.5 Press and hold power button
3.6 Click on detect button
3.7 It will found rx tx ( pinout ) from phone
3.8 Now click on set pinouts
3.9 Now go to MTK tab and open New mtk module. Select port and you ready to do next operation
4- Click on imei box and write your desire imei
5- Select imei location ( which Imei you want to write )
6- Click on write imei on AT mode
7- Press Power button from phone and it will done
IF any information you got false please notify me on sonork
Faisal_Computer 100.1577177
Huawei Mobiles
Added These models for unlock
- U8815
- G300
- Fusion 2
- U8665
These phones need to be Root after you can unlock. Root files can download from Support area !!
Go to forum.gpgind[size=16] [size=16]-> Downloads -[size=16]> Volcanobox -> Flash files -> Huawei Mobiles Root files... download them[size=16]. Instruction [size=16]are in Rar files !!
[size=16]Direct link :
[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size]How to unlock Huawei U8815 & G300 & Fusion 2 & U8665?
1.Download from support area for your desire mobile custom recovery.
1.1.If drivers installed skip step 2.
2.Power on phone complete and install drivers, must be mounted volume with phone drivers, so install from this volume.
3.Put phone in FastBoot mode holding Vol dow and power On buttons (need to pess and hold 5-10sec)
4.Put usb cable and wait untill install drivers(check in device manager if all ok).
5.Open VolcanoBox
6.Go to Tools
7.Click on Huawei U Series
8.Click on Recovery Util.
9.Brows *.img file ( make sure you unrar Rar files )
10 .Wait untill finish, remove cable, remove battery(for 5...6 sec, if not phone will auto power on).
11. put batttery, keep Vol up and power on untill phone power in recovery mode.
12. now open VolcanoBox
1 on tool
14. open Huawei U Series
15.Select proper model on check
17.If all ok press unlock.
[size=21]Added ADB Unlock BETA for
- [size=21]GT-S5360[/size]
[size=21]Added Format Supp[size=21]ort For these
- [size=21][size=21][size=21]GT-S5230[/size][/size][/size]
- [size=21][size=21][size=21]GT-S5233[/size][/size][/size]
- [size=21][size=21][size=21]GT-S3650[/size][/size][/size]
- [size=21][size=21][size=21]GT-S3650C[/size][/size][/size]
- [size=21][size=21][size=21]GT-S3650H[/size][/size][/size]
- [size=21][size=21][size=21]GT-S3653[/size][/size][/size]
- [size=21][size=21][size=21]GT-S3653M[/size][/size][/size]
Added Support for Format & Pattern lock R[size=21]emove [size=21]BETA
- [size=21][size=21][size=21]GT-C3200[/size][/size][/size]
- [size=21][size=21][size=21]GT-C3200G[/size][/size][/size]
- [size=21][size=21][size=21]GT-C3200L[/size][/size][/size]
- [size=21][size=21][size=21]GT-C3310L[/size][/size][/size]
- [size=21][size=21][size=21]GT-C3310V[/size][/size][/size]
- [size=21][size=21][size=21]GT-C3310C[/size][/size][/size]
- [size=21][size=21][size=21]GT-C3312[/size][/size][/size]
- [size=21][size=21][size=21]GT-C3322[/size][/size][/size]
- [size=21][size=21][size=21]GT-C3330[/size][/size][/size]
- [size=21][size=21][size=21]GT-C3332[/size][/size][/size]
- [size=21][size=21][size=21]GT-C3350[/size][/size][/size]
- [size=21][size=21][size=21]GT-C3312[/size][/size][/size]
- [size=21][size=21][size=21]GT-C3530[/size][/size][/size]
- [size=21][size=21][size=21]GT-C3560[/size][/size][/size]
- [size=21][size=21][size=21]GT-C5010[/size][/size][/size]
- [size=21][size=21][size=21]GT-C5010L[/size][/size][/size]
- [size=21][size=21][size=21]GT-C3353[/size][/size][/size]
- [size=21][size=21][size=21]GT-C3550[/size][/size][/size]
- [size=21][size=21][size=21]GT-C3550L[/size][/size][/size]
- [size=21][size=21][size=21]GT-C3550M[/size][/size][/size]
- [size=21][size=21][size=21]GT-E2230[/size][/size][/size]
- [size=21][size=21][size=21]GT-E2230L[/size][/size][/size]
- [size=21][size=21][size=21]GT-E2230M[/size][/size][/size]
- [size=21][size=21][size=21]GT-E2232[/size][/size][/size]
- [size=21][size=21][size=21]GT-E2330[/size][/size][/size]
- [size=21][size=21][size=21]GT-E2330B[/size][/size][/size]
- [size=21][size=21][size=21]GT-E2330C[/size][/size][/size]
- [size=21][size=21][size=21]GT-E2530[/size][/size][/size]
- [size=21][size=21][size=21]GT-E2530F[/size][/size][/size]
- [size=21][size=21][size=21]GT-E2600[/size][/size][/size]
- [size=21][size=21][size=21]GT-E2652[/size][/size][/size]
- [size=21][size=21][size=21]GT-E2652W[/size][/size][/size]
Click here to Download
VolcanoBox 1.6.6 Full installer
Chinese Phones Again !!
- Coolsand added two new flash FM25Q32A,25LQ128YIG Read/Write World's 1st
- MTK Boot V7.1216 read infor added analysis of format user area address (support some MTK andriod phone).
- Bsed on MTK android analysis of format user area address,can format manually which will solve locks and software problem.
- Fx MSTAR Boot H connect error bug
- Colsand added select time delay manually,which will increase flashing speed
- Coolsand added format default address for reference only ( use it at your own Risk )
- Added MTK New Module for unlock and repair imei.PDF in x:\Program Files\Volcano Team\VolcanoBox\Documents & Help\PDF Manual