أحدث برامج نوكيا Tucson RPL tool v 0.54 Nss Pro

New version of NSS is out, what's new:

11 Feb 2013, v 0.54

- R&D Tools Tab enabled. If you have subscription & Genie device
you can do some advanced stuff with dct4 phones - pack/unpack loaders,
encrypt/decrypt flash files, read full/partial flash, search data, etc..
- Tucson RPL tool now available to all subscription customers. If you have
SX4 card with valid pin and pass to access Tucson and need this feature, please
e-mail me to enable it for your account (to prevent bruteforcing/messing around
with Salo server by bored guys). This tool comes as it is, any requests for
support or adding features, need to be discussed

at the usual place.