أفضل حل لمشكلة عدم استكمال التحميل

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

وصف البرنامج

اقدم لك أخي البرنامج الذي سينافس ال IDM في السنة القادمة انه المعلوم GetRight و هو برنامج تحميل سريع و خاصيته الكبرى الا وهي استكمال التحميل حتى

في البيئة و الانترنيت الضعيفة

GetRight extends your file-downloading power by resuming broken downloads and accelerating them to make them faster and more flexible. GetRight easily

manages all your downloads, making it easy to find what you have in progress, and track files you've finished so they don't get lost. A convenient popup

message lets you open files when they finish with just a click.

GetRight now even supports BitTorrent downloads too. You can use GetRight to schedule your downloads for later; it can dial your modem (if needed),

download the files you want, then hang up or even shut down your computer when it is done. It can easily recover from problems such as lost connections and

Windows crashing. GetRight can use searching to find other places a file may be downloaded and then use the best site. It also can accelerate a file and

download different pieces at the same time to speed up your downloads.

صورة البرنامج

أفضل حل لمشكلة عدم استكمال التحميل 1324572723451

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